Photography by ScienceMedia – EUCLID – Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (France, 2020)

we create:

video animation photography web social • exhibition

Mountains of the Future

Geologists at Utrecht University offer a glimpse of the distant future.
These are the Somalaya Mountains, the largest mountain range you will never see!

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Mountains of the Future

Geologists at Utrecht University offer a glimpse of the distant future.
These are the Somalaya Mountains, the largest mountain range you will never see!

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We support you in communicating Earth and Space Science stories to your community, stakeholders, and the public at large. We create, design, and produce engaging educational and outreach projects showcasing scientific research. Together we will break new ground by sharing the discovery and understanding of how Nature works.

Visit our social media pages
for recent projects and company updates.

Photography by ScienceMedia – IODP Expedition 358 (Japan, 2019)

We help you share the process and progress of your research and technological projects. We help document your field work, laboratory work, expeditions, and create moving and still imagery that can be used on social media and high profile science websites, as well as for traditional press outlets. We help you design and run effective social media campaigns to engage with your audience.

Himalayan Water Towers
A team of Utrecht University climate researchers study and model changing hydrology cycles in the Himalayas. Since we could not join them during their fieldwork, this short documentary was composed by using (scripted) footage shot by the science party.

VR Master Class 360º Experimenting with virtual reality in Dutch classrooms. This pilot episode for NTR SchoolTV on ocean currents and physics by Prof. Appy Sluijs (Utrecht University) explores VR-video as an engaging tool for educational videos for high school students.
The NIOZ research fleet is aging and has reached the end of its 30-year economic lifespan. To facilitate continued Dutch marine research, RV Wim Wolff will replace RV Navicula in 2022. This new vessel, specialized in shallow water operations, is named after mudflats ecologist Wim Wolff, who played an instrumental role in international mudflat research.

Please visit our YouTube channel
for more recent projects.

Dick and Dan on board of the Chikyu. (Japan, 2016)

International Ocean Discovery Program

ScienceMedia has collaborated with IODP for over a decade to produce expedition-specific and educational videos. The footage we gather during several IODP expeditions has served many purposes and we continue to build on the outreach library for future projects.

Exploring the Temperature Limit
A group of Earth scientists set out on the DV Chikyu to determine the temperature limit of microbial life beneath the ocean floor. In this award winning ‘portrait style’ documentary, the scientists share their insights, methods, and curiosity to address this fundamental question about limits of microbial life on Earth.

Winner: “Silver Heron” 2017 for best science documentary.
AGU Cinema Top 10 selection 2017

Exploring the Fault Trace (Episode 1 to 4)
We were on board DV Chikyu to document the instalment of one of the hi-tech earthquake observatories through the Nankai Trough, the boundary between the Pacific and Eurasian plates offshore Japan. We produced and published a series of 4 short videos directly from the drillship along the way.

AGU Cinema Top 10 selection 2016

Introducing IODP-NL, Past – Present – Future
On May 15th 2020 the JOIDES Resolution arrived in Amsterdam to undergo maintenance operations in dry-dock. We used this opportunity to interview several generations of IODP-NL scientists to reflect on their experiences onboard, the importance of the scientific drilling program for the research community and challenges ahead.

Today more than ever you are asked to connect with those who are interested in your research, be it the general audience, funding agencies, or policy makers. We help you develop practical communication strategies and their step-by-step implementation. We create social media tools to communicate your science story to multiple audiences on multiple platforms and to help build a growing fan base, draw attention to your project, and create new networking opportunities.

Mark van Welzenis, shooting for TPA (Greenland, 2015)

Tipping Point Ahead

We developed an interactive website for Dutch high school students and their teachers using short videos, social media, blogs, and teaching modules to offer unique insight into the research efforts of young climate scientists. Each young researcher shares their expertise on tipping points in the climate system: How hot will the Earth’s climate be in a hundred years? Where will it be the warmest? Will temperatures rise steadily or can we expect sudden shifts? In other words, which tipping points characterize the climate system?

Tipping Point Ahead – Teaser 

Episode 9: How do you create a climate model?

Episode 2: Is the Greenland ice sheet melting?

Explaining the mechanisms behind the natural processes you study, or the way your research works sometimes means that you have to visualise abstract concepts that cannot be easily captured on camera. We help you accomplish this by means of animations that are accurate, visually attractive, and instructional.

Introducing Origins Center
The Origins Center is a new and virtual knowledge center linking excellent Dutch research and researchers to international developments to better understanding of the origins and evolution of life on earth and in the universe.

A compact introduction to the MOSAIC project. We made a more appealing visual presentation of the project’s work with available imagery and newly animated graphics.

The Ocean Observatories Initiative
The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) in the United States is a major research facility operated as a community resource. It provides continuous observations and data spanning the seafloor, the overlying ocean, and the atmosphere. In this short promotional video, animations were designed to connect locations, processes, and methods into a refreshing corporate identity for OOI.

Science is a human endeavour, but this facet of the scientific process often goes untold.
The best way for people to experience the same passion as you have for your research is to experience it for themselves. Even though the end result is rational, objective, and factual, the process of science is filled with emotions. We help create live events where you can inspire your audience by sharing the highs and lows of scientific exploration in a way that is emotive, interactive, visual, and inspiring.

In Search of Earth’s Secrets at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, 2019)

Watch the 7 minute multiscreen video loop produced by ScienceMedia.

In Search of Earth’s Secrets

This publicly accessible multi-screen & media roadshow brings cutting-edge IODP science stories to rural and urban communities in the USA. It is a hands-on experience in which participants learn about science themes researched by the IODP, including earthquakes, volcanoes, climate change, and the extinction of the dinosaurs. The seven-minute multiscreen video tells about the discoveries IODP has made over the last 50 years.

Photography by ScienceMedia- Filming for Tipping Point Ahead (Netherlands, 2020)

ScienceMedia is a Netherlands-based company founded in 2011. We are a team of media professionals committed to communicating scientific progress in the fields of Earth and Space Sciences and its impact on society, and to engaging the hearts and minds of broader audiences. Our process is one of co-creation and collaboration, working within our field-tested step-by-step approach to ensure scientific integrity and accuracy. We have gained the respect and trust of scientific partners from all over the world with our factual storytelling abilities. We continue to expand our own know-how with every project.

After many years of directing corporate films, my fascination for capturing scientific exploration took shape in our new company. Helping scientists to get their stories across is extremely rewarding. The personal insights gained on ‘how science works’ remains a source of inspiration.

Dan Brinkhuis

Creative Director,

I’m looking to focus my talents and knowledge in audiovisual-media on stories that matter. I want to reach people with new ideas and translate them into inspiring films, animations, or multimedia experiences for them to enjoy and learn from.

Dick Peterse

Media Designer,

I just love to organise, most of all things that matter, matter to the world and to future generations. Having many years of experience as a producer, a healthy curiosity and a passion for science, there is no mountain too high or ocean too deep.

Ageeth Rademaker


As a filmmaker I specialise in factual films about science & technology, which can be part of larger communication campaigns for science projects. At the same time as a scientist I am actively involved in planetary and medical sciences.
Maarten Roos

Filmmaker and planetary scientist,

Visitors address:
Stationsweg 18
3641 RG Mijdrecht
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 6 50 29 50 66

Dutch VAT number: NL001937926B18
Dutch Chamber of Commerce number: 52105741

Science Media

Stationsweg 18 3641 RG Mijdrecht

Please visit our YouTube channel
for more recent projects.

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